Thursday, 18 February 2010


Well, shouting "Spring" is a being a bit optimistic, as London is still stuck in "cold and grey" mode, but this blog is being revived as Creativity is the best antidote I know to depressing weather.

During 2010 I hope to offer a new craft project every month, available from my website as an inexpensive download. I came to this idea after realising how many craft books offer one or two really good projects and a lot of dross , so why not offer projects individually, so that people can choose which ones they want to buy?

The projects I have in mind include some unusual decorated boxes, attractive small books, decorative figures, clothing items and some unusual ways to renovate tired furniture and household items. None of them will demand the skills of a trained artist and NONE if them will cost you a fortune in materials - most of us creative people have ridiculous amounts of "stash" lying around anyway! On that subject, have you heard of the SABLE concept? An American friend introduced me to this a few years ago - it stands for "Stash Accumulated Beyond Life Expectancy" - and when I sent her a photo of my fabric stash, she promptly made me Crown Prince of SABLE. Thank you, ma'am.

And how about YOU? Do you have a stash of some sort of supply that is taking over your life and needs using in a new and exciting way? Or is there a particular sort of project you would like to see featured? Please let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Cannot wait to see what you offer Stephen and shall put on my thinking cap re what I'd like to see as a project! Good luck with the venture, it's a great idea: I have often bought an expensive magazine or book, simple because I want one feature . .
